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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

More Statements I Have Noted

1. Love is not talked about, love is seen

2. Loving and serving others is a choice

3. "Anger when used appropriately will allow changes to happen." Creflo Dollar 4/4/09 (examples of things to get angry about: debt, obesity, etc.)

4. "Hurt feelings rob us of many of God's blessings." Creflo Dollar 4/4/09

5. "Your future won't be different from your past til you forget about your past."
Creflo Dollar 4/4/09

6. Regretting is a thief, it steals today

7. The devil doesn't make you do anything. Not following the light (Jesus)is sin.
The things you do are the symptoms because you are not in the light

8. Believing without words spoken is still hope

9. When God's word becomes engrafted in your spirit, it has become a part of you.
It cannot be separated from you

10. Our words have great influence, they build a deposit of wealth in our minds and
we live from those words

11. What you are today is the result of the words you have spoken

12. Your obedience determines what God can do in your future

13. Don't give people your words, but God's words

14. God does not change his mind

15. By faith, you can come to the place of satisfaction

16. Be bold enough to say what God says


Wednesday, July 14, 2010


As I was driving in to work this morning, my thoughts went back to my early teen years and the two times, I was by myself, that the enemy had the opportunity to destroy me but couldn't . I had not looked at those two escapes as God having his hand in it til now. I believe he was showing me that he has always been with me and that I will never be alone.

I Praise the Lord for when I don't know what to do, he gives me direction!

Friday, July 9, 2010

More Statements Worth Pondering

God will give you a plan

You have to have a connection with God to not be troubled

The work of God is believing on him whom God sent-our work begins with believing

Prayer doesn't stop when you say amen. The goal of prayer is to transform

We limit God with our unbelief

Sow into others and God will make it happen to you

You have to be yourself. Pleasing people is okay, but don't be a people pleaser

Don't park in self-pity

We are all tested the same, saved and unsaved

God has one gear and it is forward

Monday, July 5, 2010

Statments To Ponder and Activate In Our Lives

Most of these I have listed are from notes taken from Pastor Tim Slaton's sermons

1. Avoid deception by having a disciplined thought life-do not give thought to distractions.

2. What you think on,you will act out.

3. Faith will never fail you.

4. God will take your expereinces ad turn them into a ministry.

5. Love is a motivator, faith is an activator.

6. If the enemy doesn't come against you, he isn't doing his job.

7. Focus on spiritual things, and natural things will come to you.

8. You have to move up so God can remove those who hinder you.

9. Keep God's Words alive by speaking them.

10. Don't limit God with your thinking.

11. You can't be filled without love. You can't be fulfilled without love.

12. You are blessed if you put your energy and time in God.

13. Make it up in your mind that you are going to be a praiser.

14. Sometimes your praise can be someone else's deliverance.

15. Praise is the ultimate form of faith.

16. Praising in the middle of a thing is evident that you believe the Word of God.

17. The Lord will bless you on what you do with what you have.

18. Review the past, but move on to the future.

19. I must respond in faith to what God has spoken to me.

20. You find favor when you are consistent and faithful.